Christian quotes on 'pressing the reset button'
Christian quotes on 'pressing the reset button'

Inspiration is subjective, as different people will find different things to be inspiring. You think those walk buttons do anything? I think some guy at the government was like, 'What can we give the morons to press? How bout a button!?' You always press 'em, you're like, '.maybe I didn't press it hard enough.' Then someone will come up and be like, 'Did you press it?' -'Yeah, I pressed it.' They're like, 'Why don't you press it again?'-'You're like, 'Yeah I'll press it again.Everyone loves to read words of encouragement and positivity, especially in the form of Christian quotes. HAHA! I get to press the walk button for you!. you ever been walking next to some stranger and for no reason at all you decide that if you beat them to the corner, you'll be a millionaire? They're like, 'whatever'.

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what are we-on a date here? I don't even know you.' Sometimes I find myself being a weirdo. My walker has wheels for a reason." You ever walk next to that stranger who wants to walk the same speed as you? '.Get the fu. "You ever walk behind someone walking so slow slow you have to hold yourself back from stabbing them? '.You better move it along, huh. You think those walk buttons do anything? I think some guy at the government was like, 'What can we give the morons to press? How bout a button!?' You always press 'em, you're like, '.maybe I didn't press it hard enough.' Then someone will come up and be like, 'Did you press it?' -'Yeah, I pressed it.' They're like, 'Why don't you press it again?'-'You're like, 'Yeah I'll press it again.' Then a

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Christian quotes on 'pressing the reset button'