Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0 download the last version for mac
Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0 download the last version for mac

Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0 download the last version for mac

There’s a new right-hand ‘Segments’ tab with an aggregated view, to quickly see where issues are by segment. You can then use the right-hand segments filter, to drill down to individual segments. When segments are set up, the right hand ‘Issues’ tab includes a segments bar, so you can quickly see where on the site the issues are at a glance. There’s a ‘segments’ column with coloured labels in each tab. You can set up a segment at the start, during, or at the end of a crawl. The segmentation config can be accessed via the config menu or right-hand ‘Segments’ tab, and it allows you to segment based upon any data found in the crawl, including data from APIs such as GA or GSC, or post-crawl analysis. You can now segment a crawl to better identify and monitor issues and opportunities from different templates, page types, or areas of priority. You can also ‘Cancel’ any changes made by using the cancel button on the configuration dialog. System settings such as user interface, language, storage mode and more are available under ‘File > Settings’, in their own unified configuration. There’s been a few small adjustments, such as saving and loading configuration profiles now appearing under ‘Configuration’, rather than the ‘File’ menu. The naming and location of config items should be familiar to existing users, while being easier to navigate for new users. This makes adjusting the config more efficient than opening and closing each separately. The configuration has been unified into a single dialog, with links to each section.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0 download the last version for mac

While the UX, tabs and filters are much the same, the configuration has received an overhaul. There’s now alternate row colours in the main tables, updated icons and even the Twitter icon and link have been removed (!). These options had previously been within the configuration, so this makes them accessible to free users as well. While subtle, the GUI appearance has been refreshed in look and feel, with crawl behaviour functions (crawl a subdomain, subfolder, all subdomains etc) moved to the main nav for ease. This update contains a number of significant updates, new features and enhancements based upon user feedback and a little internal steer. We’re delighted to announce Screaming Frog SEO Spider version 19.0, codenamed internally as ‘Peel’.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0 download the last version for mac